Huang Long (b. 1994, Beijing) currently lives and works in London. He graduated from Central Saints Martin with a master’s degree. Huang’s practice presents a poetic self-filling process of transitioning words to images under Preconsciousness. He seeks to achieve an unstable balance between image and text, spatiality and temporality, expressing the simultaneity of two opposing concepts.


Huang Long (b. 1994, Beijing) currently lives and works in London. He graduated from Central Saints Martin with a master’s degree. Huang’s practice presents a poetic self-filling process of transitioning words to images under Preconsciousness. He seeks to achieve an unstable balance between image and text, spatiality and temporality, expressing the simultaneity of two opposing concepts.

His recent exhibitions include: “Ode to the Unexpected”, MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, 2024; Winter exhibition, EDA space, Shenzhen, 2023; End of residency show, Art Gazette, London, 2022; Tendency in Painting, artist member online summer exhibition, London Painting Club, Online, 2022; Sunny Art Prize 2022, Sunny Art Centre, London, 2022; modern archetypes, Galeria Azur, Madrid, 2021; away with word, CSM MAFA students showcase, Candid art trust, London, 2021; Prologue, MAFA 2021 CSM graduate showcase, M50 Art Zone, Shanghai, 2021; gowithYamo Virtual II, gowithYamo, Online, 2021; i promise you…, CSM MA Interim exhibition, Apiary studio, London, 2020. Huang was shortlisted for Signature Art Prize and Sunny Art Prize in 2022.