
MadeIn Gallery is pleased to announce our participation in PLATFORM, JINGART’s edition of online viewing program. We will present “Meanwhile”, an online exhibition featuring a selection of works by artists Mo Shaolong, Shang Liang, Wang Jianwei, Wang Ziquan, Yang Yang, Zhang Ke, and Zhou Zixi.

Since the 1960s, painting has survived and integrated the cultural and technological inventions once thought to lead to its “death” –  from the rise of television and computer to the Internet revolution – and has shown tremendous vitality. As an inexhaustible source material and technical solution brought about by the Internet revolution, the digital image, with its diverse range of sources and media, has become a new soil for painting in the 21st century. Under the “post-media conditions”, painting continues to challenge artists and audiences alike in an ever-expanding territory.

Taking as the entry point the simultaneity of viewing online different paintings spanning portrait, landscape, and still life, “Meanwhile” investigates how painting reacts to the viewer’s browsing, or gaze, when their line of sight swiftly switches among pages and pictures, and when the act of seeing is compressed into a congested space-time.